Thursday, May 1, 2008

Noam Elimelech & Likuttei Shoshana - What is it?

Shalom Aleichem and enjoy the free video classes I will post more soon!

The Rebbe Reb Melech author of the Noam Elimelech has a section known as Likutei Shoshana, A collection of Roses, which is a collection of shorter and deep chassidic teachings on a variety of topics.

Some of these highlight and embelish teachings found in Noam Elimelech as well. Others are unique.

With the success of our Pearls of Noam Elimelech we are hoping to translate more!

If you havent done so please order the sefer or pick one up in a local seforim store.

If you are interested in helping produce more seforim and translation from Great rebbes like the Ba'al Shem Tov's grandson the Degel, The Kedushas Levi and More Noam Elimelech please contact me for dedications and sponsorship oppurtunites at .


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